Pregnant For The Lycan King

Chapter 1

Sonia's POV

My lips quivered and a soft whimper escaped as I stood in front of the Alpha. His intense gaze was on me.

No, it wasn't just intense. His gaze was full of hatred and disgust. There was no two ways about it.

He hated me and hated my identity as an omega. My gaze shifted to Riley, my once best friend who was now my mistress and treated me anyhow she deemed fit.

"I will not lower myself to the status of an omega." His voice was filled with venom and a tear slid down my cheek.

"I, Alpha Silas reject you Sonia Stallion as my mate and sever every mate connection between us"

Those words were all it took for me to break down. More tears rolled down my face and I looked towards Riley. She had a smile on her face. She was happy that I was rejected after all that would give her a chance to be in a relationship with Alpha Silas whom she was crushing on.

I turned away swiftly and ran out of the house, tears rolling down my cheeks as I realized that I was going to live my miserable life for the rest of my life.

Ignoring the presence of the guards of the Alpha, I sprinted out of the gates that led out of his mansion, wishing I had never been born.

No, I wished I had never turned 18. Life was all good for me until I turned 18 and was unable to shift. I lost all my friends then and that was when I lost Riley too.

No one wanted someone who could not shift into her wolf side. But at least I had my family by my side and I had no idea how lucky I was compared to when I finally get my wolf side.

I got my wolf side at age 22 and I turned out to be an omega. Being an omega in my Pack, the Blue Moon Pack was a nightmare, it was one of the worst things that could happen any wolf here.

Not only would an omega be completely ostracized from the community, an omega would also get gifted to a master or mistress who could do whatever he or she so wishes to that omega.

And me? I got gifted to Riley and I had thought that since she was once my best friend, I would have a fairly great life but I was so wrong. Riley treated me worse than any other omegas in the Pack were treated by their masters.

I was the omega of all omegas. The lowliest amongst the lowlies.

I brushed off the tears that rolled down but more rolled out instantly and without thinking twice, I ran into the forest.

I whimpered as I felt a thorny branch pierce my skin. The physical pains was however no match for the pains I was feeling deep in my heart.

I shifted into my wolf side, a pearly white fur covering my skin. Useless, beautiful fur. All I had was a beautiful fur and in my world, strength came before any other thing, it came before beauty.

I kept running until I arrived at a river. I stopped at the river and shifted back into my human side, crashing onto my knees with tears in my eyes.

Getting a powerful mate had been my only hope of getting out of Riley's hands and out of the hands of every sort of maltreatment but that hope had been dashed by the few words of Alpha Silas just now. I wished Riley had not asked me to follow her to pay the Alpha a visit.

It was now certain that I had to live this hellish life forever, until I took my last breath.

I had family and my family were well to do but I could not visit them too cause as a possession of Riley, I was not allowed to visit others without permission from Riley and Riley would never give me such permission.

I laid at the river bank, my gaze on the beautiful moon, shining beautifully and powerfully. It wasn't the full moon but it was glorious.

I got on my feet and walked a few steps to the river. I washed my face and looked into the river for my reflection. I could barely recognise myself.

The cheerful, happy teenager that I once was, was totally gone. It was dead and all I could see now was a sad, crying adult.

Pulling myself together, I splashed some more water on my face and decided to leave the forest.

It was late at night already and perhaps Riley would not search for me right now but I knew I had to be back to her place tomorrow morning if I didn't want to put my family in trouble.

I dragged myself out of the forest, towards the lighting I was seeing and getting out of the forest, I found some clothes at the clothes station.

I picked a pretty black dress and slipped it on, covering up my nakedness.

There was no fancy shoes there but I made do with the sneakers I found there. I pulled my hair into a bun and began to trudge onto the street.

I walked for minutes, tears dropping every now and then until I arrived in front of a club.

"Down Club" I mumbled the name of the club and I suddenly felt the urge to go in there as if something was waiting for me in there.

I glanced down at my sneakers and then pulled my hair into a bun. I guess I did not look awfully bad as much as my heart was looking at the moment. I could get into a club, hopefully and perhaps I could just pass the night there and go to Riley's place the next morning.

I walked towards the entrance of the club and was about to walk in when the two huge men at the door stopped me.

"Where do you think you are going to?" The taller one asked me.

"I-in" my voice cracked, the sadness evident in my voice.

"Leave. This place is not for wolves like you. It is for very important people" he huffed, his voice hard and harsh just like his look.

I felt my heart wrench and my wolf side whimper helplessly. Once again, I had been rejected. It felt like the whole world was rejecting me.


"You heard what he said. Leave now" the shorter one of the two said to me.

"Let her in" a deep voice suddenly said from behind him.

Deep, masculine, powerful and enchanting to a point that I could swear my depressed heart jumped.

I turned to see who it was but I could not see his face clearly. There were two men behind him, dressed in black suits while he was dressed in a black shirt and black trousers.

I felt my wolf side pur at the scent of him. He scented so good and yet so powerful. I was standing a bit far away from him but the powerful aura around him could not be mistaken.

I felt my wolf side cower a bit and I immediately knew that this man was not someone to be toyed with.

"As you wish. Please ma'am, step in" the taller bouncer said to me, his voice soft and gentle, almost shocking me.

I turned back to look at the man who had just asked me to be let in but he was gone already.

My eyes searched for him for a few more seconds before I looked back at the bouncers.

"Let us know if we can help you in any way ma'am" The bouncer added, surprising me the more.

Perhaps the moon goddess was willing to help me this one time. I nodded at the bouncers and walked into the club, unsure of what would happen to me tonight and for the rest of my life.

Chapter 2

Sonia's POV

Loud music was blaring in the club just like almost every other club. I looked at the dance floor and saw some people dancing, they looked happy and free but I was none of that.

I wasn't happy and I wasn't free.

I shifted my gaze to the bar. All I needed was alcohol to get drunk on and without thinking much about how I would pay for the drinks I intended on buying, I walked over to the bar.

The barman shot me a look I knew very well to be that of disdain but I ignored it.

"Tequila shots please" I ordered and saw the reluctance in his eyes.

I sat down on the chair before the bar and lowered my head. The drink was handed over to me in no time and I took it to my lips immediately, not wanting to spend another moment in my right state of mind.

A tear quickly slid escaped as I took the first gulp of the strong liquor. I lifted it off my lips but drank again the next second.

In few minutes, I had finished quite a number of glasses and I was feeling better, much more light headed.

It felt like I was floating and for that moment, a lot of things did not matter anymore.

The entire world could reject me for all I care. As long as I had myself and this liquor, it was enough.

I let out a chuckle and ordered for even more.

A man offers to pay for her drinks and then takes her to the bathroom where he tried touching her.

"Hey, beautiful" a man said as he sat on the chair beside me.

I ignored him and continued with the only thing I was concerned with... Drinking.

"Ignoring me?"

"C'mon, I am a nice man. I just want to pay for your drinks"

I shook my head and looked at him but my vision was now blurry and I could not see his face clearly.

"I don't need you to pay for my drinks" I replied, my speech slurred.

"Don't be such a tough one to deal with. I can give you some extra money if you behave" he reached his hand forward and touched my arm.

I flinched and leaned back.

"Don't touch me, please" I said to him, in an almost pleading tone.

He chuckled softly and looked at the bar man.

"I will pay for her drinks"

I looked to the other side and continued drinking to drown myself.

I hated the fact that I had a high alcohol tolerance and wasn't getting completely drunk as easily as I wanted to.

"Hey, pretty girl. Come with me" I felt a hand on my shoulder and when I turned, it was the man.

I groaned and dropped my glass.

"I am not interested in whatever you want from me"

"Trust me, I will be gentle with you" he yanked me up from the chair I was sitting on.

"No" I groaned, though I knew my voice was probably thin and without force at the moment.

I could barely see his face as the alcohol had messed up with my head badly.

I protested weakly but my strength was clearly not enough to get him off me.

"Be a good girl" I heard him say in a warning voice as he started dragging me off.

I grumbled words of protest but he had clearly set his mind onto what he was going to do to me. I could scream at the other people to help but it seemed like the alcohol had clouded my mind way too much.

He dragged me into a place I could barely recognise and before I could realize what was happening next, he had pressed me against the wall and started pulling my gown up.

"Please, let me go" I cried weakly, a few tears rolling down as my mind cleared up for a few seconds and realised I was going to be raped.

"Just shut up and enjoy it!" He turned me around, pressing my face into the wall.

"No panties? You are a slut, aren't you?" I heard him laugh while I cried.

I wasn't wearing panties only because I could not find one at the clothes station.

"I am not" I whimpered.

I felt his hand on my ass and his touch was nothing short of repulsive. I hated the fact that I was so weak compared to this man that I could not fight against him.

Just as I felt something hard pressing against my ass and him chuckling and laughing into my ears, I heard something different.

The door opening followed by a low, deep growl and suddenly the man was pulled away from me in one quick instant.

I turned, panting and slid to the floor of the place I now recognised to be a restroom. My gaze fell onto the sight of the man that helped me earlier with his hands wrapped around the neck of the man who had just tried to rape me.

I had not see the face of the man who helped me earlier but now I could see his face a little bit even though the image of him was a bit distorted by my alcohol buzzed vision.

"Turn and stare at the wall" he said to me, his voice compelling and full of authority.

I quickly got on my knees, pulled my dress down to cover my body and faced the wall, wondering what was going to happen next.

If this night was going to get even worse or if it was going to get better in any way.

A gasp parted my lips when I heard the unmistakeable sound of head snapping and a one time groan of the man who had almost raped me.

He had killed him! Before I could even register that fact, I felt cold hands grab me by my wrist and pull me up to my feet.

"Don't look back" he said to me and I gulped down, nodding at him obediently because something about this man demanded nothing but obedience.

He pulled me out of the restroom and I found three men, all dressed in black suits at the door.

"Take her to my room and have her cleaned up" he handed me over to them and I could not say a word.

I was supposed to protest after all, this man had just killed someone in the restroom but I didn't let out a single word of protest. He had helped me twice this same night and I did not understand how but I felt safe with his hand holding my wrist.

He slowly let go of me and one of the three men picked me up, taking me to the room of this mysterious man who had helped a pitiful omega wolf twice in one night.

Chapter 3

Luciano's POV

I pushed my hair back with a small groan as I stared down at the plan I had mapped down for this Pack.

In just two weeks, I was going to ruin this Pack and take it captive like I had done to many other Packs.

Tonight, all I wanted to do was to ensure that the plan was perfect. Even if it was not perfect, I knew I would be victorious. No Pack in the entire werewolf realm could stand against the Lycan king.

I clenched my jaws and rolled the long sheet the plan was mapped on.

"Y'all get out" I groaned an order out to the men in the room with me and almost immediately, they were all out of the room.

I grabbed a glass of wine and returned to a black, leather sofa.

"That woman" I mumbled to myself.

I was not the type of help anyone. Every single thing I did was to help myself, make myself stronger and more powerful but not tonight. I had helped a random person, twice in fact and I could not find what benefits I had in that. I could not understand why I had gone back into the restroom after she was taken away and ripped that bastard's body into shreds.

I lifted the glass to my lips and took a sip before dropping the glass on the stool by my side. I could not understand why and how she was causing me to react.

Something about that woman was drawing me close to her and if mate bonds do exist, I think it could be similar to what I felt when I set my eyes on her at the entrance of the club.

Her dark, messy hair and her sad yet beautiful eyes.

"Oh, fuck you Luciano" I groaned at my own thoughts of a woman.

I had a harem of women in my clan. Dark, fair, petite and beautiful, big and beautiful, short, tall. I had them all and yet I was being troubled by the thoughts of this one woman I saw tonight.

I decided to push the entire thoughts away and just go to my room and take a quick nap.

I walked out of the room and headed to the pent house. I got there in a couple of minutes and as soon as I stepped into the place, the scent of that woman came into my nostrils.

She smelled sweet and like roses, striking a certain memory in me but I shut the memory away and headed to my room, the sweet scent becoming even stronger as I got closer.

I pushed the door open and walked into the room. She was laying on my bed, her legs spread and the night wear she was wearing had pulled up.

I gulped down hard, feasting my eyes on her thighs. She was quite a beauty, a sexy one but I was nothing like the bastard who had tried to rape her.

I lure my women and make them beg for me instead. I reached for my buttons and unbuttoned my shirt before jerking the shirt off my body and approaching the bed.

I laid on it and shut my eyes, her scent pulling me to get even closer to her. After a bit of internal struggle, I opened my eyes and propped myself up on my elbow and looked at her face.

She looked even more beautiful than she looked earlier. My gaze fell from her closed eyes to her lips, full and pink. I was not a mad fan of kissing so it surprised myself a bit that I actually felt like kissing her lips. I preferred going straight to fucking my women cause that was the only reason I had them... For them to be fucked.

But this woman on my bed made me want to do things I don't usually do.

I groaned and laid back into the bed, ignoring the nasty thoughts that was already creating a bulge in my trousers.

Only a minute or so had passed when I heard whisperings coming from her. I opened my eyes to find her mumbling some words in her sleep and I watched a tear slide down.

"Hey" I grabbed her by her shoulders.

"Please, please don't reject me" she cried.

"Hey! No one is rejecting you" I shook her up until she opened her eyes.

Her teary eyes met mine and almost instantly, she hugged me, wrapping her arms around me.

"Please, don't reject me too" she whimpered, her face buried in my chest.

Slowly, I wrapped my arms around her, wondering what the heck was wrong with me tonight. I was being way too tender, too helping, too kind but I could not turn back to be what I really was. Not right now.

It took about a minute before she pulled away from my chest and looked into my eyes and I could swear that I felt something when those hazel green eyes stared into my dark eyes.

Our eyes were locked for a couple of seconds and then I realised that she was actually coming closer to my face, her gaze slowly falling to my lips.

She brushed her lips against mine and I felt my cock throb. I pulled her back with the little self control I had.

"Are you rejecting me too?" She suddenly asked, her face still close to mine.

"You don't want me? You think I am weak and useless too?" She asked.

"You are probably not in your right senses. Go to sleep" I tried to press her down to the bed but she shook her head.

"I want you" she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"No, you don't" I argued but my arm around her was already tightening, as if not ready to let go of this random woman.

"I will probably end up being raped later on. Please, I want you" she said and I let out a hot breath.

She had no idea who she was getting involved with. She leaned in and kissed me again and this time, I could not find any self control to hold onto.

I gave in to my animalistic wants and pulled her closer, feeling her soft body against my hard body as I deepened the kiss and took over, sucking her lips into my mouth and how great she tasted!

The moment I bit down on her lower lip and she gasped, opening her mouth for my tongue to gain entrance, I knew I was fucking her tonight.

I wanted this random woman and that want had been in there right from the second I set my eyes on her.

I pushed her back to the bed almost gently but the gentleness could not be found in the kiss. Her hands roamed around my body and mine found her thighs.

I rubbed her inner thighs, heading right to her cunt.

"Fuck" I cursed against her lips roughly as I realized she was wet already.

I broke the kiss off totally and kissed her face all over before licking her neck, ignoring a certain urge to mark her.

My cock throbbed, wanting nothing but to be buried in her heat soonest. I ripped apart the nightwear she was wearing and she gasped but her gasp trailed into a moan when I grabbed her boobs and fondled it hard before claiming her right nipple into my mouth.

"Oh god" she moaned.

"Luciano... Luciano is the name to moan" I informed her and she nodded her head, her eyes rolling back as I flicked my tongue on her hard, aroused nipple.

My hand grabbed her panties and ripped it before immediately rubbing her clit.

"Luciano" she moaned, her fingers digging into my skin. I growled and slipped down her body, spreading her legs and burying my face in her cunt.

She was neat and looked ready to be eaten. I immediately set to it and it took less than a minute to have her cumming.

"There.... I made you cum. It's my turn now" my breath was heavy as much as hers was.

I rid myself of my trousers and positioned my cock right at her entrance, rubbing the pierced head on her wet cunt.

"Do it, please" she begged and I groaned 'I will' before thrusting into her roughly, overcome by the lust.

She screamed and I stiffened as I realized that I had just broken through her hymen. She was a virgin and I had been so rough.

I looked down at her face and kissed her lips softly.

"You should have told me" I growled, her tightness squeezing me so good.

"I... Please go on" She breathed heavily, a few tears rolling down her cheeks and I slowly pulled out almost all the way before driving back home.

The pleasure I was feeling was heavenly and brain shutting. I could not think clearly anymore and as I kissed her pains away, my lips kissed her neck and my fangs came out, ready to mark her.

I had never marked any woman before and I sure wasn't ready to do so but I could not help myself. I drove my fangs into her neck and had her groan in pains as I marked her as mine.

Made her mine.

Chapter 4

Sonia's POV

I woke up and rubbed my eyes sleepily. I was laying on a soft, unfamiliar material. It was a bed and at once I panicked, getting up from what I realized to be a bed.

I had never been allowed to sleep on a bed while with Riley but sitting up, I realized that I was not with Riley at the moment.

I groaned as I felt pains in between my legs. Pains that reminded me of what I did last night. My eyes widened as I recalled what I had done but I did not regret what I did one tiny bit.

It hurt but I enjoyed it and I was right when I told him I would be raped eventually. So this was better, the fact that my first was someone I willingly gave myself to made me feel happy but I knew my life had to go on.

I got off the bed, knowing I had to get back to Riley's mansion before she would start searching for me all over.

"Oh god" I mumbled, gripping the headboard as the pain ran through me. I walked towards the door but stopped in front of a mirror and staring at my naked self, I panicked for a second, realising there was another fact that I had not recalled quickly.

I had been marked by the mysterious man from last night! Only a man who wanted the lady to be his forever would mark her.

The mysterious man was most probably going to want to hold me to himself forever but that could not happen. I already belonged to my mistress and I had to get back to her.

I quickly knew that I was not supposed to go out through the door. If he saw me, he would probably not let me go easily.

My gaze shifted and fell on the window. I ran towards it, groaning in pains and looked down. The ground was far but I was sure that in my wolf side, I could jump and roll to a stop.

I would most probably get a few injuries but that would be all.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see a hotter and a pen. I rushed over to it to drop a note to the mysterious man but I seemed to be out of words to write to him.

Eventually I scribbled... 'Thank you so much for last night. Please don't search for me'

I dropped the jotter, took a deep breath and moved back to the window.

I immediately shifted into my wolf side and without second thoughts, I jumped down the window and landed onto the hard ground, rolling onto the floor.

I groaned and howled lowly, getting back to my feet and sprinting out of the place.

I had to ignore my pains and get back to Riley as possible, knowing Riley could accuse my parents of hiding me if she did not find me and my family could be executed for hiding an omega wolf from her mistress.

I continued running, dashing as fast as my strength could help me to until I arrived close to Riley's mansion.

I shifted back into my human side and got a baggy shirt and jeans from the clothes station.

I hurried over immediately I was dressed and when I got there, Riley was already waiting for me in front of the main building.

"Where were you all night?" She asked, her voice hard and cruel as it could be.

"I... I spent the night at a cave" I replied, dropping down to my knees and hoping she would believe me and not punish me for spending a night out.

"Like I care" Riley rolled her eyes.

"It's 8:34am and you haven't done a single thing today. Give me one reason you should have breakfast or lunch today. That's it. Get to work. You have no breakfast or lunch today."

"Y-yes... Thank you ma'am" I replied, thankful that Riley was not interested in giving me even more punishment.

I was dead tired but I knew if I slacked, I would be getting nothing for dinner too.


Luciano's POV

My brows arched as I walked towards the door. The scent of the woman from last night was now faint and there could only be one explanation to that... She was gone.

With a groan, I pushed the door of the room opened and realised I was right. She was gone.

My jaws clenched as well as my fists. The breeze blew in softly from the window and I rubbed the space in between my brows, knowing she left through the window.

I could not lay my hands on why she would leave without a word after giving her first time to me, a man she doesn't know a single thing about.

I walked over to the window but before getting there, something else pulled my attention. It was my jotter but something had been scribbled on it.

I picked up the jotter and read the words on it.

My brows furrowed as I wondered what reasons could be behind her leaving so quickly and not wanting me to come after her.

I tore out the sheet from the jotter and squeezed the sheet in my hands.

She had no idea who she was dealing with. She was now a part of me already, I had marked her as mine. And although, that had been because of the pleasures that had been rippling through me at that moment, I was still not willing to let go of someone I had marked.

Those I have marked, stay with me, by me forever and I was going to find this mysterious woman. Maybe not today but when I take over this sick Pack, I would find her and I would add her to my harem, as mine.

"No sorries but your request is declined" I said through gritted teeth and walked out of the room, heading to the living room.

"Get the car ready. We are leaving for the clan to prepare for the attack"

"Yes, your majesty"

Chapter 5

Two weeks later

Sonia's POV

My life had continued as if that night had never happened. I still recalled that night every single moment though and I could not get it out of my head.

There were times I would take my two hours sleep and dream about that night again. About the pleasure and about the pains. I subconsciously treasured that night in my heart as it was my only great, recent memory.

Riley had gotten even much more bitter recently and she had sacked every other maid of the mansion, leaving the entire mansion to me.

And as for Alpha Silas? I tried not to care about him after all, my first time had been with someone much more handsome than he was.

Yes, Luciano, the mysterious man looked much more hotter than Alpha Silas was.

"You are still doing the dishes?" I heard Riley snort behind me and I quickly turned towards her.

"I... I will be done in no time" my voice trembled with fear as she walked into the kitchen, her gaze cruel as always.

Each time I looked at that cruel face, I could barely believe she was the same person who laughed, played and was there for me until I was 18.

"Should I teach you how to do it faster?" She asked and I instinctively moved backwards, tears quickly filling my eyes.

Riley's way of teaching me how to wash dishes faster was breaking a plate and cutting my wrist with it.

"Please don't" I begged though I knew she did not care about how much I begged.

She grabbed a plate and broke it just like I knew she would. She grabbed my hand and I tried to struggle but she easily overpowered me and pressed the sharp edge of the broken plate into my wrist which already had scars.

She cut me and the tears in my eyes rolled down. She made another slash, quick and deep.

"Please!" I cried out and she let go of my hand.

"Now get at it!" She ordered and I immediately got back to washing the dishes, blood trickling down onto the plates.

As an omega, my healing rate was slower than that of the others.

As I washed the dishes, I felt dizzy, just like I had been feeling quite a few times lately.

I tried to ignore it as I always did because I could do nothing else except that. But this time around, the dizziness refused to be ignored.

I could see the world in spirals and it wasn't long before my vision dimmed and the last thing I recalled was seeing my blood drip.


I woke up hours later on a bed, a luxury and I saw familiar eyes staring at me. It was that of my younger sister, Madeline, she was 17.

"Sonia!" She cried out excitedly and hugged me tightly.

My vision cleared up as Madeline pressed her body to mine. I was in a hospital! A bigger luxury. Riley had probably attempted to wake me up with cold water and that did not work.

"Madeline" I called softly and she pulled back from the hug.

"Sonia, I missed you" Madeline's eyes were filled with tears.

"I missed you too, Madeline"

I had really missed being with my family.

"What of mum and dad?" I asked her, noticing that they were not in the room.

Madeline sighed softly.

"Riley allowed only me in to see you"

I forced out a smile at my little sister.

"Riley is a witch. I... I can't believe she is doing this to you" Madeline shook her head, a tear dropping.

"Don't cry please. I am fine, Maddy" I said to her but before Madeline could reply, the door had opened. It was Riley.

"Leave now, Madeline. You have seen enough of my possession" Riley said to Madeline.

"I swear I will shift and I will come after you, Riley. I will rip you apart myself, Riley!" Madeline swore and Riley laughed.

"Who knows? You might turn out to be an omega like your sister and I would gain possession of you too. Now leave"

Madeline looked at me with teary eyes and I forced a smile to assure her I was fine even when it was totally obvious that I was not fine.

Glaring hard at Riley, Madeline walked out of the ward, leaving just I and Riley.

"Who is the father?" Riley asked almost as soon as Madeline left.

I raised a brow, not sure about what she meant with her words.

"Father of who? Father of Maddy?" I replied with a question and she growled, rushed over to me and wrapped her hand around my neck.

"Don't play with me, Sonia. Don't even think that I won't beat the crap out of you because you are lying in this hospital bed!" She bared her fangs to me.

"Wh...what do you mean?" I stuttered, trying to breathe.

"Did you seduce the Alpha, you bastard?! Did you go back to him that night he rejected you and made him sleep with you?! Is he the father of the bastard inside of you?!" She yelled at me and my eyes widened.

My body went cold and for the next few seconds, I was not conscious of the fact that Riley had her hand wrapped around my neck.

How could... How could I be pregnant?! It was just one time?

"I... I am pregnant?"

Riley groaned and slapped me across the face.

"You tell me who the hell the father is! Are you trying to steal the Alpha away from me by doing this?!" She asked me.

"I am going to beat you up until that bastard inside you dies!" She yelled at me and was about to hit me again when we both heard a commotion outside the walls.

She paused, her brows arching but I was not worried about whatever commotion was happening out there. I was only worried about the pup growing inside of me.

What was I supposed to do? It was just a one night stand and I had no control over my own life, how could I have a pup?!

The door of the ward suddenly opened and a nurse ran in, all panicky.

"What's happening?" Riley asked hurriedly.

"The Pack is under attack!" The nurse said and I felt my heart skip a beat at the urgency of the situation.

"What the hell? I have to go and defend the Pack too" Riley said fiercely and turned to face me.

"I will get back at you"

She was about to leave but the nurse held her by the arm.

"It's useless. The Lycan King is the one attacking us!"


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