The Alpha King's Rejected Breeder

Chapter 1: Sold as a Breeder


Blinking, I look around in startled confusion. Where am I?

The sheets against my skin are smooth and luxurious, the bed far larger and softer than mine. My heart skips a beat when I notice an arm draped over my waist and a large, warm body pressing against my naked back.

I turn my head to see that the body sleeping next to me is a man with fair hair, chiseled features, and a strong, powerful build. I lose myself for a moment in the beautiful serenity of his sleeping face before it hits me….

This man is not my husband.

I freeze. Panic rising, I try to slide away without waking him.

What happened last night?

My memory fails me, blurry fragments that I can't piece together. Though an ancient trauma left me prone to blackouts and memory loss, I have never awoken in a strange man’s bed.

I need to get out of here. Now.

As carefully as possible, I lift the man's arm. He suddenly tightens his hold and a kiss claims my breath.

He pulls away and opens one crystal blue eye. My heart leaps into my throat as he peers down at me. His gaze is curious and hypnotic but also momentarily calms my panicking heart.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he grumbles against my lips, kicking up his aromatic scent of citrus and honey.

I bite my lip, searching for my words. to a light, steady pace.

He grunts again and rolls off of me, and I get up.

‘Hurry up. You have to get back home!’

I look around frantically. My own clothes are nowhere to be seen, so I grab a shirt and sweatpants from a nearby chair and pull them on. My arm burns, and I look down to see a red-hot, swollen letter B burned into my skin.

I swallow into a tightening throat.

A branded B only meant one thing….

Memories flash through my mind of dark, cold cages and a hot iron searing painfully into my flesh.

I must have been kidnapped and sold. No, this wasn’t possible. I am the Luna of the Midnight Moon pack.

When I hear the stranger’s light snoring again, I tiptoe toward the bedroom door. The hallway is clear. I dart through, rushing silently down the carpeted stairs.

Every step I take, I fear the man will wake up and capture me again.

It's not until I'm outside in the cool morning air that I pause for breath and recognize the hotel of a neighboring pack territory.

Think, Ariella, think….

But the night before remains a disturbing void.

There's only one thing I know–I need to get home to Marcus. My husband will help me sort things out, as he always does when I'm lost in one of my episodes. I set off walking, still barefoot and disheveled.

After several blocks, I recognize our pack border. Nearly sobbing in relief, I break into a staggering run toward our house, desperate to feel Marcus’s comforting arms around me.

But when I burst through the door and see him, his expression stops me short. His green eyes are like glass, and I can feel them cut into me.

“Where were you?” His voice has no emotion.

“Marcus… I… I… I don’t know what happened. I woke up so… so confused.”

His eyes are cold, distant, and unmoved.

Guilt washes over me; I’ve been in a stranger’s bed. But how?

"Who was he, Ariella?"

His question instantly strikes me. His eyes say he already knows everything.

"I don't know! I don't remember how I got there." I hold a hand over my branded arm.

His lip curls in disgust. His emerald eyes flash from cold to hot. He looks me over accusingly in the shirt and pants that are three times my size with the strange man’s scent all over them.

I tremble with desperate fear. “I know how it looks. But I didn’t–”

His hand flies across my face, and I feel the harsh sting of a slap explode across my cheek.

Tears fill my eyes. I’ve seen his anger unleashed on others, but he’s never directed it toward me.

I cradle my stinging cheek. “Marcus, I know that you must… think… that….”

I trail off as heels clicking on the floor behind me get my attention. The woman is blurry at first. All I can make out is her fiery red hair.

"Well, don't stop on my account. I’d love to hear the rest of this pitiful story," her sultry voice purrs.

I clear my vision and see her curves closing the distance between us. She is smirking down at me as she comes to Marcus’s side.

I take in her wild and wavy hair, dramatic makeup, and tight leather corset. Her dark eyes emanate cruelty.

"Who are you?" I whisper as I look from her to Marcus, confused.

"My name is Lilith," she replies casually. "I am here to be Marcus's new Luna."

The words are a physical blow that stun and further confuse me.

“No, that’s not possible.” I shake my head in disbelief.

“Why are you speaking so casually to the new Luna of the Midnight Moon pack?” Marcus barks.

“You can’t be serious,” I gasp.

“You wolfless Omega. How can you be the pack’s Luna?” Lilith snaps at me.

I can’t completely deny that, because my wolf has been stilled for five years.

Lilith giggles and seems to enjoy my moment of anguish and despair. I cradle my arm again mindlessly, and Lilith’s eyes zero in on my hand. In the next moment, she rips the sleeve off my shoulder.

She smiles viciously.

“Wherever you have been, you are now branded as somebody’s bitch and breeder,” Lilith says.

“I must have been kidnapped last night,” I say.

“Enough!” Marcus grips me by the hair and hisses in my ear. “You’ve been gone for three days. I can smell another man all over you. Now that he has made you his breeder, you want to come crawling back? It’s too late.”

I stumble off balance as he pulls me through the house. Tears sting my eyes. His grip is sharp and painful, and my neck cracks as he pulls me down the stairs and tosses me to the floor.

Lilith’s peals of humiliating laughter echo behind me.

“Marcus, please believe me, I didn’t… I mean… I don’t know… I don’t remember. Please, Marcus. I love you! You’re all I have. ”

I try to get up and reach for his hands, but Lilith steps forward and kicks me back to the floor.

I can’t hold back my sobs.

“Pathetic,” Lilith mutters, pulling me to my feet, only to slap me back down to the floor again.

“Marcus–” I raise my bleary eyes to him, hoping he sees my love, but he remains cold and distant.

His next words stop my heart.

“Get out,” Marcus orders.

“Where will I go?”

“Back to the bed you crawled out of,” Marcus suggests.

“No… I don’t even know–”

“Goddess! She doesn’t get it. She’s never going to leave,” Lilith says with impatient disgust. "Let me explain it to you, pet. Marcus is the Alpha of the Midnight Moon pack. Did you really think that he would put up with you forever? It’s been five years since you washed up into his life, and you have been nothing but a useless burden to him and this entire pack.”

“I tried my best to–”

Lilith cuts me off, grabbing me by the throat as Marcus stands by. I try to pry her long fingers away. She squeezes tighter and sneers.

“Your best is nowhere near good enough to be Luna of this pack. Everyone in the pack knows it.”

She releases my throat and grips my arm, hauling me to the door.

“I would never do anything to hurt Marcus or this pack,” I say desperately. “As long as I am Luna–”

“Marcus doesn’t want you to be his Luna!” she sneers. “He’s so sick of you that he drugged you up and took you to a breeder auction, sold you to the highest bidder, which wasn’t much, and then dumped you.”

Bile rises in my throat with dawning horror as she reveals Marcus’s plans and betrayal. Everything was staged by Marcus himself. He sold me to get rid of me….

My eyes turn to him. He doesn’t deny a word she’s said.

“How could you…?” Tears stream down my cheek.

Lilith straightens with a satisfied smirk.

I can’t stop retching and choking on sobs. The man who swore to cherish me has betrayed me.

"Your only purpose now is to have that stranger's litter,” Lilith snaps at me.

I don’t know what to say or do.

“Leave now,” Marcus warns, opening the door.

“You heard him. Get out!”

With that, she shoves me through the door. I stumble and fall, scraping my hands and knees. The click of the closing door echoes with dreadful finality.

“Marcus!” I cry out desperately. “Please?!”

My world is crumbling to ashes around me. I collapse back to the ground and cry until I have no tears left, calling out for Marcus in vain.

Through the closed door, I hear Lilith callously utter the most terrifying words.

“Since she has run away from the buyer, why don’t we just kill her?”

Chapter 2: Sentenced to Death


I run immediately at Lilith’s words, unsure whether Marcus will take her suggestion and kill me. I no longer trust the so-called love between us. The betrayal is still so fresh as tears spill from my eyes.

My legs carry me mindlessly through the pack lands, clutching my tattered shirt at the shoulder.

I stumble toward the temple of the Moon Goddess, pausing at the temple doors, wondering if I should go inside.

“Are you alright?” I turn to see Charles, a young temple priest, standing behind me. “Luna? What happened?”

Charles leads me inside, giving me food and drink that I take hungrily as I describe to him what happened. His warm brown eyes are kind and compassionate.

“I just didn’t know where else to go,” I whisper shakily.

“Stay here. Even Alpha Marcus wouldn't dare risk the wrath of the Moon Goddess,” he says with a certainty I know to be foolish.

Marcus is vicious and cutthroat to his enemies, and somehow, I have garnered his wrath.

“Thank you, but I can’t stay. I just–I need supplies, and to get as far away from here and Alpha Marcus as possible.”

“Just rest for now,” Charles encourages me.

I feel the edges of exhaustion begging me to take his advice. “I guess one night–”

Banging on the temple door cuts me off.


My resting heart lurches as I recognize the booming voice of Marcus’s Beta, Damon. I hardly ever see him, but when I do, he’s usually covered in the blood of others.

“Ariella, I know you’re in there!”

He bangs again and Charles stands to open the door. As he does, pack warriors push past him and instantly surround me.

“What do you want?” I ask as I look at the hulking figure of Beta Damon walking menacingly toward me.

He has a muscular frame, towering over six feet tall with dark hair and cold gray eyes. A taming collar meant to keep me from shifting teeters in his hand–not that he needed it with my silent wolf.

“You are wanted by the Alpha!”

“Please, I–”

Two warriors grab me by the arms.

“Leave her alone!” Charles stands defiantly in front of Beta Damon. “She is in the temple of the Moon Goddess for sanctuary from Alpha Marcus.”

Beta Damon scoffs and snaps his fingers. The warriors jump on Charles, push him to the floor, and start kicking and punching him repeatedly.

“Stop!” I cry out. “Stop! I’ll come with you! Please just don’t hurt him.”

“You’re no longer the Luna, bitch, and I don’t take orders from a filthy whore like you!” Damon viciously snaps, and they continue to beat Charles until he lies bruised and bloody, unconscious on the floor.

“As for you–” Damon snaps the collar on me, and I feel the spikes prick and cut my throat.

“Let go of me!” I demanded, but to no avail.

“You don’t really think you’re off the hook, do you?” he smirks as he latches a chain to the collar and drags me outside and through the forest, back to the pack hall.

Blankly, I watch the pack members enter, their faces unreadable. Damon still holds the chain attached to the collar at my throat.

The crowd’s murmuring quiets down as Marcus enters and stands authoritatively before them as their Alpha, radiating that powerful energy that once drew me to him.

Till this moment, I still can’t believe the person who once looked at me with love and kindness and the vicious man standing in front of me are the same person.

Marcus addresses the crowd. "Midnight Moon pack members, it is with a heavy heart that I've called you all here today to make an important announcement."

He pauses, and in that breath, dread creeps through my veins and pierces my heart.

"It is with great sorrow that I must replace Ariella as my Luna. We thought she was missing, but it turns out she ran away to be with another man."

The words land like blows, and a chorus of gasps rises from the pack.

“As Alpha of the pack, fidelity and integrity are the foundations of my leadership. An unfaithful woman doesn’t deserve to be called my Luna.”

I want to scream my denial, but I am silent with anguish as Damon tugs on the collar with enough force to bring me to my knees.

“I am just as astonished by this as you all are.” Marcus’s facade is flawless–the wounded husband, sad but resolute.

I shiver to think how often I’ve believed his words of love and comfort for the last five years.

Heartache and pain swirl sickeningly inside me.

Members of the pack erupt in outraged chatter.

“How could she?”

“After all he’s done for her?”

“She never belonged here anyway.”

Demon jerks my head up and while I try to avert my gaze, I see the looks of disgust from members of my pack.



“You have no right to be our Luna!”

Although they have been deceived and their judgments are misplaced, each accusation flung at me still carves into my heart.

“No, I was set up! I didn’t mean to do this. It’s–” I try to say, but a tug on the collar chokes and silences me again.

“It’s what? Stop your lies, you vile woman.”

Marcus’s handsome face hardens into harsh lines. His eyes blaze with hatred... as if he wants to kill me.

I scoff to myself bitterly. Marcus has carefully planned this, so there is no way I can defend myself.

"The marriage vows are broken," he declares coldly. "I am Alpha. You will accept my decision."

I look up as Lilith stands at Marcus's side, her satisfied smirk cutting me to ribbons inside. She wraps her arms around my husband, and he does nothing to resist her brazen gestures.

I don’t know if it is outrage or desperation that compels me to crawl toward Marcus until I am mere feet from him. Marcus's eyes widen in surprise and anger at the interruption.

Shakily, I force my eyes toward my husband. "Marcus, please. Just let me know what I did to upset you. You are my entire world."

For a moment, I think his eyes show a hint of relenting. He opens his mouth as if to respond, but Lilith intervenes, grasping Marcus's arm possessively.

"Don't let this pathetic wretch manipulate you, my love," she hisses loud enough for all to hear. "She spins lies to trick you and undermine your rightful authority. Show everyone the strong Alpha you are by punishing this traitor."

I inhale his rich, woodsy scent that once brought me such comfort. Even now, it calls to something deep inside me.

Marcus turns away, and Lilith whispers in his ear loud enough for me to hear. “I told you she was going to make this as difficult as possible. The only way to get rid of her is to kill her.”

The blood in my veins turns to ice as he looks at Lilith and gives her a small nod.

Terror washes over my body.

"This pathetic wretch disrespects our Alpha and laws,” Lilith screeches. “There is only one punishment fit for such treachery."

She turns to Marcus with a vicious gleam in her eye. "Death."

The pack erupts into outraged shouts. Marcus silences them with a roar and a flash of red in his eyes. He turns those burning Alpha eyes back to me.

"You leave me no choice. As Alpha, I declare that you shall be executed for treason against the pack.”

For a moment, my mind refuses to process what he said.

"Take her and carry out my order," Marcus commands.

The warriors grab my arms. Damon leads them as they drag me away. My heart sinks until without explanation, the collar around my neck falls away and crashes to the ground.

Finally, primal instinct overrides my shock and grief. This is my one chance.

I twist violently, breaking free of their grip. Before they can react, I sprint desperately into the forest.

I hear Lilith screeching at the warriors, ordering them to catch me. The sounds of pursuit crash through the underbrush behind me. Still, I run, my lungs searing and limbs leaden but terror granting me speed.

My only thought is to get as far away from the warriors as I can. Twigs slash my skin, roots threaten to trip me, but I do not slow down. I run through the center of a creek to hide my scent.

Gradually, the sounds behind me fade. Still, I keep running until I can go no further. Finally, my legs give out as I collapse, gasping for breath. Every inch of my body throbs and burns.

But I am free.

As my panting subsides, eerie silence envelops me. Drained and bewildered, my predicament sinks in. Marcus wishes me dead, and he will not stop until his warriors find me.

Wearily, I consider my next steps. But it is too much. My mind shuts down, welcoming the oblivion of unconsciousness.

As blackness closes in, I think I hear a voice murmuring, "Sleep now, princess."

But I slip into darkness before I can wonder at its source.

Chapter 3: A Royal Princess


“You leave me no choice. As Alpha, I declare that you shall be executed for treason against the pack.”

Marcus’s order to kill me echoes in my head, followed by the pounding feet of warriors chasing me. My throat is tight, strangling on a scream that I want to let out but can’t as I feel Marcus’s claws reaching out to slash across my back.

I jolt awake, my heart pounding. The warmth of the room and the soft scent of lilac that fills the air calms and comforts me.

Where am I?

The last thing I remember is collapsing in the woods after fleeing from Midnight Moon’s warriors.

Unfamiliar voices filter in from through the doorway. A man and a woman speak in gentle tones.

"The scars will fade in time, but her inner wounds run deeper," the woman says gravely.

“What about her powers? Can you sense them?” the man asks.

Are they talking about me?

"Her wolf and her powers are dormant. I can only imagine the trauma she must have been through these last five years. Maybe with time and healing, they will emerge again."

“Thank you, Talia.”

“You’re welcome, Your Highness. I’ll come back and check on the princess tomorrow.”

Soft footsteps move away and then the doorknob turns, and a man with the commanding presence of a royal Alpha enters.

I feel weak and groggy but still force myself to sit up.

“Take it easy, Ariella,” he says softly. I recognize that he was the one talking to that Talia woman. My eyes take him in, and a curious sense of familiarity hits me.

He stares at me for a moment and asks, “Do you remember me?”

I shake my head slowly, but something tugs on the void in my memory as I see that the color of his eyes and hair match my own.

He sighs, “My name is Eli.”

Before I can ask any questions, the door opens again, and someone else walks in. My eyes flitter between the two extremely handsome but almost identical men, confused.

“Hey, you!” The newcomer speaks as if he’s known me forever. His joyful grin is contagious.

“Ah, hi. I—” I start to greet him, but my words are interrupted by the third man entering. He also looks exactly like Eli, only he’s a bit larger than the other two.

Even though the room is quite large, with the three of them hovering over my bed, I am a little overwhelmed.

Eli notices my slight uneasiness and quickly introduces them. He points to the second man and then the third. “Ariella, this is Rafe and that’s Shawn.”

Although they are three strong, seemingly dominating he-wolves who can easily snap my neck with one hand, my instinct tells me that there is nothing to be afraid of because the worry in their eyes is genuine.

Whoever they are, they have saved me and have been polite and friendly. Right now, it is obvious that they were waiting for me to say something.

Meeting their gazes, I blurt out the only thing that comes to my mind. “Um, I’ll be honest. Please don’t be upset if I mix up your names. You all look alike. Eli, Shawn, and…?”

This is probably not what they expect my first sentence would be, and it’s quiet in the room for a moment.

Yikes. I want to bite my tongue–I should’ve thanked them first, right?

“Ha, ha, ha!” The second man bursts into laughter. As awkward as it is, I let out a breath of relief and relax a bit. “Don’t worry! I’ll teach you some tricks to tell us apart. I’m Rafe, the best-looking one, so remember that. We’re triplets, and we’re your brothers.”

I feel myself blinking at him in disbelief. “Brothers?”

“Indeed.” Rafe grins and his perfectly white teeth show. He points to himself. “Have you not seen the resemblance between you and us?”

Yes, I have, but I don’t have any memories of them at all.

"You have been through a terrible ordeal,” the largest of them, Shawn, I believe, says. “It's natural that your mind needs time to heal. Listen, you are Princess Ariella Loveta, the only daughter born of the Alpha King Cyrus and Luna Queen Eleanor."

My jaw drops. How is it possible?

“You are home in the palace," Eli adds, "back where you belong with the Crystal River Royal pack, after far too long."

“There must be some mistake,” I tell them firmly. “I was found five years ago wandering the woods starving nearly to death. I am certainly no princess, just a regular woman… or I was, until….”

Marcus comes to mind as I trail off. Thinking of him cuts like a knife.

“Until?” Shawn asks, but I can’t bring myself to even begin to tell them the horrible truth, so I shake my head.

“It’s alright, Ariella,” Eli says understandably. “Whatever happened before, you are safe here with us now.”

Shawn nods. “We’re here for you. You can trust us. Anything you need, you just need to say it.”

“Thank you.” I manage to give Shawn a grateful smile. I think of something. “If what you said is true, can you tell me what happened to me? How did I get so lost?”

Shawn and Eli exchange a look, and Eli nods. Shawn looks at me tenderly. “Ariella, we lost you and our parents five years ago in an accident. We thought you had died. We’ve been looking for you ever since. Thank the Goddess that we made it just in time to bring you back.”

I gasp. “I can’t remember any of that.”

“The healer said it may take some time for you to recover your memories,” Eli assures me.

I stare at them, trying to process all the new information. Eli moves to sit next to me and gently grabs my hand. His gaze is caring and warm.

“Don’t you worry. You’re home now, and everything is going to be fine. We won’t let anything bad happen to you again.”

Shawn and Rafe both nod in agreement.

Even though we’ve only spent a few minutes together, I already know what they say is true. Perhaps the bond between us has always existed, in our blood, regardless of whether I remember it or not. And it feels so good to have a family.

To be loved and cared for.

Tears well up once more, yet this time, they are not born of pain.

Rafe speaks hastily, "Hey, Ari, don’t cry. Did we say anything wrong?

I let out a brief chuckle while wiping off my eyes. "It was happy tears. Don’t worry."

He releases an exaggerated sigh. "Phew, you scared me!"

I inhale deeply and tentatively turn to Shawn, asking, "I genuinely want to do something to repay all of your kindness. Is there any task I can undertake here?"

Eli turns me down. “No, you don’t need to do anything. The only thing you should do is rest.”

“Let me help, please, so that I feel I’m useful. If I’m truly a princess, there must be responsibilities I should take on. I would like to try, please?”

Eli doesn’t say anything right away and looks at Shawn, who thinks for a moment and suggests, “If Ari really wants to do something, we should let her. Perhaps it’ll help bring back some of her memories too. You know how much I hate sitting around doing nothing. I don’t think it’s fair to ask that of Ari either.”

Rafe also jumps in. “I agree! Don’t we have the big party coming? Ari will need to be prepped for that anyway.”

Eli glances over the three of us and finally gives in. “All right. In that case, get some rest today and tomorrow, you can help with the party.”

“I can’t wait!” I grin cheerfully.


"The gathering of the Crystal River and the Everstone kingdoms happens every five years,” Rafe explains after taking a sip of coffee. “How are the pancakes, by the way?”

“The best I’ve ever had!” I answer honestly.

This is the first real meal since I arrived at the palace. Palace healer Talia had insisted that I eat only a small amount of plain bread and fresh vegetables for a couple of days, saying it’s best to have small, light meals after I just wake up.

“Great.” Rafe continues to provide information on the gathering. “There would be representation from both royal packs, along with Alphas and Lunas from our country.”

“We will formally present you as the lost princess returned!” Shawn explains.

The idea of being the center of such attention makes me feel anxious and queasy. Will anyone there recognize me as the former Midnight Moon pack Luna?


“No buts. It’s been decided. You may feel a little uncomfortable being the center of attention, but you’ll get used to it. You have to. Now–” Rafe pulls out a stack of paper. “I always get stuck with organizing the guest list. You offered to help, so you can assist me this year. Also, here are the names to memorize. As the princess, you may end up speaking with some of the guests.”


I take the paper and start looking over the list.

Suddenly, the blood in my veins turned to ice. My fingers tremble and I almost drop the paper.

My gaze fixes at the middle of the page.

Alpha Marcus Keenan and his Luna Lilith of the Midnight Moon pack.

Chapter 4: Alpha King Ethan Stirling


“Don’t be nervous,” my maid, Anna, says as she takes my shaky hands in hers.

"I'm not nervous," I reassure myself, my gaze fixed on the reflection in the mirror. I fidget with the silvery veil, which covers me from my nose and cascades down, gracefully adorning my gown and trailing behind me.

"You look beautiful, Your Highness," she assures me as she fusses with the veil. "This style is quite fashionable for royal gatherings."

I nod, grateful for the thin barrier. With it, perhaps Marcus will not recognize me right away. A chill runs through me at the thought of seeing him again.

My hand goes to my throat, where the mark of his cruel collar has faded. The brand on my arm remains, searing and shameful. I tug on the off-shoulder sleeve that covers it.

A gentle knock sounds at the door before it opens to reveal Eli. He halts for a moment, blinking in surprise.

"Ariella, you look–" His eyes soften. "Absolutely stunning."

Heat rushes to my cheeks. I am still growing accustomed to Eli's sincere compliments.

"Shall we go greet our guests?" Eli extends his arm with an encouraging smile.

I take a deep breath and slip my hand into the crook of his elbow. Together, we walk to the grand greeting hall, where voices echo raucously.

As we near the open doors, panic constricts my lungs. I stop short, pulse racing.

Sensing my fear, Eli turns and grasps my shoulders gently. "Ariella, listen to me. You are royalty here. No one can hurt you anymore."

I meet his steady blue gaze and let his words ground me. With a shaky exhale, I nod.

At a signal from Eli, the musicians strike up a pleasant melody, and the massive doors open. I make my entrance into the hall with Eli next to me, and Rafe and Shawn following.

All eyes turn to me. I keep my chin high, ignoring the rapid pace of my heart. We reach the front of the room and turn to face the enraptured crowd. Eli's voice rings out clear and proud as the music quiets.

"With utmost joy, we present our beloved sister, Princess Ariella Loveta."

Cheers and furious applause erupt. I smile and wave at the crowd. Although they can’t see my full face, I want to make sure they can tell from my eyes that I welcome them to be here.

Eli gently pats my hand and it’s my cue.

I step forward and raise my voice.

"Alphas and Lunas, esteemed attendees," I announce. "Welcome! Your presence here today adds radiance to our gathering. I am delighted to declare the official start of the night. May our time together be filled with joy and cherished moments."

Another round of applause echoes in the hall, and Eli leans in to whisper, “Well done. I'm so proud of you!"

He has no idea how nervous I am!

Just then, the doors to the hall swing open and silence settles over the room.

An imposing figure makes his entrance into the banquet hall, commanding attention with every step. He wears a perfectly tailored black suit, which seems as if it’s sculpted to his powerful frame.

His golden hair gleams under the chandelier lights; his chiseled features are a study in masculine perfection. His strong jawline accentuates his rugged handsomeness, while his lips hold a subtle curve that hints at a concealed charm.

His straight nose leads to the focal point of his allure—his ice-blue eyes. These piercing orbs, like frozen sapphires, sweep the room with a look of polite interest.

Everyone is momentarily entranced by his effortless elegance and striking handsomeness.

No doubt he is a powerful Alpha.

Seven broad-shouldered warriors accompany him. One seems to be higher ranked than the others–his Beta, perhaps, though it is clear that the Alpha needs no protection with his immense power evident in his self-assured stride.

He seems faintly familiar, but I cannot place him.

"Alpha King Ethan Stirling of the Everstone royal pack! Welcome!” Eli announces, pulling everyone from their dazes.

Rafe has come to my side and explained in a whisper, “Their pack is a close ally to us. He will be staying with us even after the gathering to discuss a land purchase.”

I take in a brief flash of crystal blue in his eyes and a hazy memory suddenly surfaces.

I see myself on a balcony under the moonlight. He brushes a strand of hair from my face and leans in close, his breath warm on my skin. Our lips meet in a passionate kiss.

Then he and I are tangled in silken sheets, skin to skin. His hands explore my body reverently as soft moans of pleasure escape my lips. And the next morning he rolls me onto my back and kisses me sweetly.

The memory fades as quickly as it came, leaving my body warm and cheeks flushed.

It’s him–the stranger I woke up next to that morning had been the Alpha King Ethan Stirling!

Oh. My. Goodness.

What should I do now?

With everything that happened in the past few days, I almost forgot about the mysterious man I had sex with. Once in a while when I do think about him, I have been subconsciously pushing that memory to the back of my head.

To me, it was the trigger of Marcus’ betrayal, and therefore should be buried with my past at the Midnight Moon pack.

He approaches us with fluid grace. Thank the Goddess that I’m wearing a veil, but would he recognize my scent?

My heart is beating so fast.

What shocks me more is that I even seem to hear my wolf purring briefly inside me. This is the first time my wolf has reacted to anything in a long time.

When Ethan’s eyes pierce into mine, they send a tingle up my spine. My breath catches nervously.

Ethan's mouth quirks up slightly. The branded B on my arm aches. I feel tiny ice prickles creep across my flesh as I fearfully wait for him to see through my veil and remember that I was the woman he bought.

But he simply takes my hand in his and says, “It’s an honor to meet you, princess,” as he lifts my hand to his lips and kisses the back of it. Electricity shoots through my body. I have to fight the urge to pull my hand back.

Thank the Goddess that he releases my hand right away, and I’m able to let out a shaky breath.

He then turns to my brothers. "Congratulations on the return of your precious sister."

"The Crystal River thanks you for honoring us with your presence, Your Majesty!" Eli replies. He then turns to the crowd. “Without further ado, let the night begin!”


After some food and alcohol, the crowd starts to mingle.

“Are you alright?” Rafe asks. “Your face is cherry red.”

“Ye-yes!” I answer, but I can’t tell him it’s because once again, I notice Ethan is looking my way.

It has happened a few times throughout the night. Every time he does, the spot where he kissed my hand tingles.

“You sure?” Rafe is suspicious.

I quickly make up an excuse. “Yes! It’s getting a little warm here. I could use a break to get some fresh air.”

Rafe nods. “Don’t take too long.”

“I won’t!” I promise him. Knowing that I’ll be out of Ethan’s sight in no time, I finally let out a relieved sigh.

But my relief is short-lived.

Bile churns in my stomach as I suddenly catch sight of them–Marcus and Lilith.

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